Supplements to support the mood

We humans spend a lot of time , money and energy in the pursuit of happiness.

Studies in psychology and consumer research indicate that, despite the propensity to acquire material goods in an effort to increase their happiness , experiences may offer undoubtedly greater happiness

A new study in the Journal of Consumer Research explores the role of age on happiness we receive from experiences both ordinary and extraordinary experiences in our life.

Amit Bhattacharjee , Dartmouth College (New Hampshire, USA) and colleagues have completed a series of eight studies in which researchers asked participants to remember or imagine happy experiences in an attempt to draw a distinction between experiences that are common ( common and frequent ) and the extraordinary ( rare and infrequent ) .

The researchers tested their theory that the young associate extraordinary experiences to a greater happiness than the common experiences . In one study, more than 200 participants from across the United States and aged between 18 and 79 years were asked to recall a recent extraordinary experience that made ​​them happy . The people (of any age ) involved in the study generally associated with happiness to extraordinary experiences , and the happiness resulting from ordinary experiences has proven to be more common among older adults and pesrone more .

Source: Worldhealth

Supplements to support the mood