Nutritional Supplements Antioxidants

1. Take Antioxidants

Antioxidants, such as glutathione, are very important for the body. Low levels are linked to accelerated aging and chronic diseases. Take regular antioxidants through food and supplements help to fight free radicals and and preserve telomeres.

2. Managing stress

It's no secret that negative emotions and situations are not good for health. Research has shown that chronic stress can shorten the length of telomeres. Begin and end the day with tai chi or meditation (or other relaxing activities for you) can help break the chronic stress and thus preserve your telomeres.

3. Training

You do not need to be a gym junkie to be in good health. Exercising regularly 2-3 times per week increases the anti-aging mechanisms of cellular repair.  

4. Reduce the calories

The temporary restriction of calories, according to experts, a significant rejuvenating effect on the aging process. Studies have shown that a balanced diet allows you to live longer and healthier.  

5. Eat a variety of plant foods

Studies have suggested that a variety of plant foods (fruits and vegetables) provides essential nourishment for the body. Therefore not limited to a couple of vegetables but try to take them all, often. 

6. Drink tea

The tea has many beneficial properties, including a positive effect on telomeres. One study found that people who regularly drink three cups of tea per day had significantly longer telomeres. Green tea also has a much higher percentage of valuable nutrients called polyphenols compared to black tea. 

7. Eat healthy fats

 Healthy fats are essential for good health, long life. Research has linked the consumption of healthy fats with the extension of telomeres.  

8. Good quality of sleep

The quality of sleep is essential for the repair and cell viability. Bad habits, such as sleep apnea, insomnia or hours of sleep / wake irregular have been linked to accelerated aging and an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, diabetes, and telomere shortening.    

Source: Worldhealth

Nutritional Supplements Antioxidants