Supplements for promoting the tan

With the arrival of the good weather, there is a growing desire to sun exposure. A nice tan, from the first heat, is the dream of many.
To achieve this, we provide you with some simple but effective tips. Followed from now, will allow you to get the summer with a healthy skin and tanned.


Eat fruits and vegetables every day is a healthy food rule to be applied throughout the year. Fresh fruits and vegetables, in fact, are rich in antioxidants and vitamins, which are important for our well being and our beauty. In spring / summer, in particular, should be given preference in fruits and vegetables yellow or orange, rich in beta-carotene, which stimulates the production of melanin. 


During this time more than ever it is important to exfoliate the skin by removing dirt with a scrub once a settimana/15 days.
Then moisturize and nourish the skin all over the body daily after showering to make it soft and supple.
Stop hand creams or peels with glycolic acid: the most aggressive, risk depriving the skin of the upper layers, exposing it to the risk of staining and discoloration.


A few months before exposure to the sun is useful to prepare the skin with the addition of beta-carotene, which promotes a better tan more even and long-lasting, preventing sunburn. This does not exclude the use of proper protective factor, far from it.
During the time that you are exposed to the sun, is also more useful than ever intake of antioxidants, which protect against radicals produced by UV Even in this case we recommend cycles of a few months.

Supplements for promoting the tan