Supplements to promote tanning

Antioxidant Supplements


In our society, tanned skin is often synonymous with beautiful and healthy skin.

But, be careful, too much exposure to the sun, perpetuated over the years, can seriously damage your skin.

The phenomenon is called "photo-aging", the biological process by which the sun's rays cause premature aging of the skin structure and deep.
The sunlight comes in contact with our skin in two forms: radiant and corpuscular. The shape is formed by radiating electromagnetic waves, the corpuscular particles with photonic content.

Ultraviolet rays are divided into 3 groups according to wavelength: UVA, UVB, and UVC. UVC rays do not represent a problem for the skin, while UVA and UVB rays reach the skin, in particular, the UVB reach the superficial layers of the skin, while UVA penetrate down to the dermis. The UV rays downloading their energy on epidermal cells (and their DNA), damaging them. ll DNA possesses an exceptional ability to repair itself, but excessive exposure to UV rays can cause serious injury.

What are the effects of UV rays on the skin?

The damaging effects of the sun on the skin can be summarized as follows:

acute erythema, usually appears after 20 minutes

erythema evolving cronicizzante
, characterized by dry, wilting, loss of elasticity, blemishes, wrinkles and more severe forms that can reach tumors.

What is the tan?

As the skin is subjected to exposure to the sun, you have a melanogenesis or tanning of the skin. A tan high, uniform and widespread is achieved by three factors: ability to defend the action inflammatory external (ie dall'eritema), adequately equipped, melanin (it takes about three days to cause significant increase of melanin in the skin), hyperkeratosis ready and effective (the epidermal hyperkeratosis, is a defense system of the skin, which presents itself as a thickening of the skin, due to an accelerated cell replacement).

How to reduce the damage from UV rays?

By following a set of rules for proper tan!

For a good tan is important that the body is in health. Avoid undergo for too long in the sun if you are in a state of high stress, physical fatigue, weakness ...

Nutrition, physical activity, integration, hydration,
are the pillars of a healthy lifestyle.

Expose yourself to the sun without makeup and fragrance.

Allow at least 24 hours after waxing before exposure to the sun

Always use sunscreen, checking that there is not expired.

Protect your hair with special oils and even better with hats

Avoid the hottest hours, when UV rays are most intense.

Do not be in a hurry to get a tan, the color is what you get better with time.
The moderate exposure days to produce the best results: slowly produces the pigment (melanin) in the skin.

It 'also important to remember that the cells, however, have provided a wealth antioxidant limited, not able to buffer the negative effects caused by excessive or prolonged. E 'therefore useful to develop systems with the integration of natural antioxidants, before exposure to the sun but also intervene after exposure, to restore the skin levels of antioxidants.

Sunbathing yes, but with caution!

Supplements to promote tanning

Antioxidant Supplements