Supplements for Mental Wellness

Keep your mind constantly trained, studying not only in youth but also by adults and the elderly, helps maintain cognitive function. Is what emerges from new research.

"We knew that the constant mental exercise can delay the onset of cognitive decline, but in this study we were able to estimate how helpful," said lead author Prashanthi Vemuri, radiologist at the Mayo Clinic and Foundation Rochester, Minnesota.

The study involved people between 70-80 years without dementia, with a high level of education, work mentally stimulating and a great deal of cognitive activity during the course of their lives. The study was published in JAMA Neurology.

Men and women who have had more years of education and played a mentally stimulating job, for example, the surgeon, have experienced mental decline about five years later than those with less education or who have done more manual work.

But it was also encouraging to see how much brain activity carried out during the years of life could make a difference for the people who had less education and fewer jobs stimulants.

Regardless of education and the type of work, people who have challenged their brains at least three times a week have delayed the onset of cognitive decline of at least three years than those who have not done so.

"Stimulating activities may include reading, doing crossword puzzles, playing bridge, painting, taking classes, playing a musical instrument .... People should choose activities they prefer, because they are more likely to practice them consistently," he concluded Vemuri.


Source: Worldhealth

Supplements for Mental Wellness