Supplements for
Weight Control

Weigh yourself at least once a week if you want to lose weight.

Elina Helander, the Tampere University of Technology (Finland), and colleagues analyzed 2,838 weight measurements by 40 individuals who are overweight (with a BMI of 25 and above), for which the weight loss was a target staff.

The researchers found that weight loss was also linked to how often individuals are weighed. Then stated: "The weight loss took place during periods of regular self-weighing, while not weigh yourself for more than a month poses a risk of weight gain." Often those who are overweight avoid weighing yourself for psychological reasons: which increases the likelihood of a further increase in weight.

One last tip: if you weigh yourself only once a week, on Wednesdays choose, because that will give you a more accurate reading. Wednesday falls in the middle of the work week, at equal distance from the weekend, when we tend to eat more and therefore have a higher weight "

Source: Worldhealth

Supplements for Weight Control