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Social contact and regular exercise are key to aging well and live a long and healthy life, according to research presented recently.

Loneliness , in fact, may increase the chances of an elderly person of premature death by 14% ,
an impact as strong as that of a socio-economic disadvantage. 

John Cacioppo , a professor of psychology at the University of Chicago , he completed a meta- analysis of several studies published in 2010 and showed that social isolation impacts on the risk of death as obesity. The research, carried out on a group of 20,000 people , revealed adverse effects on the health of feeling alone, including: sleep problems, high blood pressure, depression and impaired immune cells .

Often, too , the loneliness is accompanied by a sedentary lifestyle , which can significantly weaken your health. For this reason it is important to perform even simple exercises , such as walking regularly at a good pace. Sports in the company would be even better.


With age , the brain is reduced. Physical activity , as well as the maintenance of interpersonal relationships , help to improve the overall functioning of the brain and , in particular, increase the volume of the hippocampus, which counteracts the aging brain and the loss of mental abilities.

Source: Worldhealth  

Nutritional Supplements Antioxidants