Supplements to support the mood


Is known scientifically and are the complex interactions between biological, psychological and social factors to determine the duration and the
quality of life for all of us. A recent study evaluated very thoroughly the impact of psychosocial factors on the quality of aging. Were taken into account demographic factors, personal history of the participants, cognitive and socio-economic level of external support that was given to the elderly.

The study involved 240 men and women centenarians who were monitored for eight years. Researchers have shown that critical events in life, the history of the subjects, particularly their ability to adapt to stressful events and difficult of their lives as a factor determining the quality of aging. In other words, it was found that the centenarians what they think of your health, your well-being and family and social support network around them, has more levels of pressure or blood sugar and is more correlated with the survival rate.

The personality seems to be a fundamental because it determines the way in which the centenarians adapt to stress and change, affecting the ability to be happy and relaxed even in old age. Centenarians healthier are the most open and happy. To better manage the aging and the diseases related to it is desirable that doctors leave the old and outdated attitude that mind and body are separate entities and that it is sufficient to prescribe a pill to "fix" a parameter to ensure a healthy and happy life .

The mind
affects the body as much as the body affects the mind and therefore a correct approach to health management can only tend to treat both aspects. The ancients knew well (mens sana in corpore sano) and we "modern" instead we forget too often.

Supplements to support the mood