Products to relieve stress, improve mood and energy

Do you feel constantly talk about stress ... stressful life ... people who are stressed ...
Certainly stress is one of the problems of modern life.
But try to understand better what it means and most importantly, how to fight!

What is stress?

Stress is a state of physical and mental tension. It 'a typical reaction of the body to adapt to a general change in physical or mental. The man follows the following cycles: relaxation, alarm status, voltage, and response to alarm conditions.
Stressors are an integral part of the life of the individual (traffic, study, work, children's problems ...). They subject the body to a physical and mental fatigue, requires a continual state of readiness to deal with. But it is in times of particular concern, of intense pain (such as death of a family member), examinations, change and instability of life that feels more the influence of these stressors on the nervous system, which reacts causing extreme fear and anxiety to the individual.

What are the symptoms of stress?

The body, alarmed by such intense stress free in the bloodstream hormones that increase heart rate, breathing, glandular secretion, muscle contraction. So you can feel your heart beat faster, palms sweat, be more tense. When the state of apprehension is too strong and persistent it feels like gripped in a vice and you feel a lump in my throat that prevents breathing. You can not sleep and this causes increasing tiredness. There is irritated at the minimum setback, we get angry in any discussion, and even small problems become problems that seem insurmountable. You become unable to act, to decide, to listen to others.

What are the risks of stress?

The amount of stress that can be tolerated varies from person to person. Stress can lead to psychological problems, reduce the well-being and lead to real diseases that affect different parts of the body, including the stomach, intestines, skin, mouth, bladder, lungs, and the heart. We note, for example, how frequently associated with stress ulcers, constipation, herpes, acne, dermatitis and arrhythmias. Especially in old age, stress can be the cause of heart attacks.

What to do to relieve stress?

To avoid the daily stress accumulates is good:
• take time to rest during the day, moments of pause in which to practice a mental and physical relaxation, closing his eyes and breathing deeply;
• take regular exercise: exercise practiced regularly helps to reduce tension and promotes sleep;
• eat a balanced diet: eat slowly, enjoying the food and forgetting the problems of the work, trying to make the meal a pleasant time;
• a sufficient amount of sleep hours;
• cope with life and different situations with "philosophy", not expecting to be overwhelmed by the problems.
When the problems seem too many and stress has caused concern, it is useful:
• share with others their own concerns and fears with them trying to find a solution;
• Try to deal with a problem at a time;
• help your body with non-drug substances that can release stress and tension, energy and mood;
• in severe cases, referral to a specialist.

Products to relieve stress, improve mood and energy