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More work stress during adulthood could mean more diseases in old age,
according to a new study conducted in Finland . The study found that a high level of work stress , physical and mental , is linked to a greater number of hospitalizations during old age.

The type of mental stress at work can result from the need to comply with tight deadlines , high control , people management , etc. ... Stress involves physical labor instead of muscle fatigue , weakness, sweating , difficulty breathing ...

" The work stress is something that is perceived individually : it may happen that people who work in different situations and environments similar token amount of work stress ," said lead researcher Mikaela von Bonsdorff . " When it comes to workplace stress , it is important to remember that occasionally perceive stress is not necessarily a bad thing, but the persistent tension in the workplace has been identified as a health hazard"

The new findings come from a study of more than 5,000 public sector employees Finnish middle-aged who were interviewed in relation to stress at work in 1981. The researchers combined this information with data from national registers of hospital that next 28 years .

The greater perceived stress in middle age , more days in the hospital tended to increase, especially in the case of stress / physical effort.

The physical work stress is characteristic of certain types of occupations, such as manual occupations or occupations of services, such as: electrician , janitor , driver, manufacturer , waiter , salesman ...

The development of musculoskeletal disorders caused by physically demanding jobs , such as osteoarthritis, could be among the leading causes of hospital admissions in older people.

Mental stress was instead connected to the occurrence of heart disease, another cause of hospital admissions frequnete .

The results were published in Age and Ageing .

Source: Worldhealth

Antioxidant Supplements

Supplements to relieve stress , improve mood