Nutritional Supplements antioxidants

Supplements for mental well-being


A career with mentally stimulating activities can help protect your brain.

Francisca S. Then, ricercatirice at the University of Leipzig (Germany), and colleagues studied data on 1,054 men and women, 75 years of age, enrolled in the "Leipzig Longitudinal Study of the Aged". The subjects were administered standardized cognitive tests every 1.5 years to 8 years, and were interviewed to ascertain details about their work history: their tasks are classified as executive (the work planning, developing strategies, conflict resolution, etc.), verbal (evaluation of information), or fluid (selective focus). Participants whose career included the highest level of all three types of activities have achieved the highest scores on tests of thinking and memory, compared to subjects with lower professional level. People with the highest level, and capable of performing all three types of activities, have also experienced the slowest rate of cognitive decline. Over the course of eight years, their rate of decline was half the rate of participants with a low level of professional activity.

The study's authors argue that: "The results suggest that a professional life enriched by work activity stimulants: intelligence functions, and executive reports, may help support a good cognitive functioning in old age. While professional duties lower and less stimulants , less protect the brain from cognitive decline "

Source: Worldhealth

Nutritional Supplements antioxidants

Supplements for mental well-being