Antioxidant supplements

Supplements for exercising individuals


There are no doubt that physical activity performed on a regular and constant over time, have a positive influence on a number of physiological parameters, constituting a form of prevention of many diseases. However, the sport, and especially the agonistic activity, are not free from side effects, which must be taken into account and, if possible, prevented.

With physical activity, in particular, increases aerobic metabolism and is seeing an increase in the production of free radicals.

During the exercise, in fact, the oxygen consumption can increase by up to 20 times compared to the rest condition and in the muscles in activities such increase may be even 100 times higher. While the increased flow of oxygen is critical to meet the energy demands, the other also makes it grow considerably the production of oxidizing agents (free radicals).

The amount of free radicals produced during an effort is directly proportional to the duration and intensity of exercise and inversely proportional to the degree of training of those who practice.

Untrained in the subject and the subjected to intense physical effort too excessive production of oxidizing agents cause direct damage to muscle cells and contributes to the appearance of the classic muscle soreness after workouts.

In this case, the production of free radicals exceeds the capacity of defense of the organism.

The training improves the antioxidant capacity of the organism and enables trained athletes to counter with greater efficiency the free radicals produced.

The intake of antioxidants in the form of supplements is a particularly effective strategy in improving the performance and the general state of health of the athlete.

Antioxidant supplements