Supplements for those who perform physical activity



Dr. Phillips has found that older retirees who continue to practice exercise caution physical decline in a less strong than their inactive peers.

Most people over the age of 65 is inactive and / or fails to meet the parameters related to physical activity recommended by international guidelines. The University of Missouri researchers have found that older adults who engage in regular exercise retired avvertitono less physical decline than their peers who do not practice any physical exercise, although not all active seniors complete practice exercises to strengthen muscles, which are another important defense against physical decline.

"The physical decline is natural over time and increasing age, but we found that people who play sports have been consistently less than the phenomenon," said Lorraine Phillips, associate professor in the Sinclair School of Nursing MU. "The 'physical activity and more popular among retirees is walking, which is great for the cardiovascular system but less suitable for maintaining muscle strength"

International recommendations for exercise include muscle-strengthening exercises, such as knee extensions and biceps. Muscle strength is important for older people to maintain their ability to perform daily activities such as opening jars, bottles, getting up from his chair and support your own body weight.

Source: Worldhealth 

Supplements for those who perform physical activity